Portal Assistance

For membership portal assistance please contact Ann Marie Ogima (MembershipAnn@fwfn.com).

Call For Tender - Comprehensive Home Renovation

Closing Date: February 21, 2025 2:00 pm
Type: Hourly

Fort William First Nation is now inviting all interested and qualified contractors to submit their tenders for the following contract:

We are seeking experienced contractors to assess and complete a comprehensive home renovation. This renovation will involve modifying the home to ensure it meets the specific requirements set out in the Scope of Work that will be provided.

The successful contractor will be responsible for providing a detailed assessment, completing the renovation work, and ensuring all modifications follow exactly what is set out in the Scope of Work

Those Interested can book a time for assessment and pick-up a “Request for Quotation Package”.

Site Visits will be held February 3rd 2025 all day.

There will be no other availability for site visits.

Closing Date for submissions will be February 21st by 2PM

Submissions received after this date and time will not be considered.

 For any assistance, please contact:  Brianna Hyslop – Housing Manager, (807) 623-9543 Ext. 223 or BriannaHyslop@fwfn.com

– Brianna Hyslop – Housing Manager