Portal Assistance

For membership portal assistance please contact Ann Marie Ogima (MembershipAnn@fwfn.com).

Repair / Maintenance Support Program

Applicant Information

Member Status:

Household Income Information

PLEASE NOTE: Only those households with an annual income of $60,000 or less are considered eligible for assistance through any of Fort William First Nation’s Housing Repair/Maintenance Programs.

Type of Income

Type of Income

Housing Programs

I am applying for support under the:
PLEASE NOTE: You will be contacted by letter regarding the status of your request to any of the repair / maintenance support programs.

Housing History

PLEASE NOTE: Any misrepresentation of your housing history may lead to cancellation of your application. PLEASE NOTE: If you or any member of your household has arrears owing to the Fort William First Nation for unpaid rent or mortgage, the Housing Department will require confirmation that the member has entered into a repayment agreement and is in good standing with this agreement for the repayment of the arrears before we can process your application.
Has anyone listed on this application received support from the FWFN Housing Department in the last 2 years?
Does anyone on this application owe money to Fort William First Nation for unpaid mortgage or rent?
If yes, do you have a repayment agreement with Fort William First Nation Accounts Receivable?

Special Needs / Exceptional Circumstances

PLEASE NOTE: Documentation confirming necessity is required before any modifications can potentially be expensed.
Do you or any member(s) of your household require accessibility modifications to make the home barrier free?

Access to Housing Repair / Maintenance Support

IMPORTANT: It is important to tell the Housing Department of any changes to your contact information at any time during the application and/or review process. If we cannot reach you, we will have to disqualify your application for home repair/maintenance support. It is important for you to tell the Housing Department of any changes in your household that changes your application eligibility. (Change in income status, etc.)
  1. I understand that there are laws that allow the Fort William First Nation to collect personal information about myself for the purposes associated with this application.
  2. I realize that Fort William First Nation will use any information I give them through this application to determine if I qualify for the Housing Support Program I have applied for.
  3. I allow the Fort William First Nation to verify any relevant information with the Social Services Department of Fort William, or any other relevant department, provincial or municipal agency for the purposes of verifying the information I have provided on this application.
  4. I understand that any information on this form and any attachment given to Fort William First Nation or any other department or agency as listed above are confidential and will only be provided in accordance with any associated regulations.
  5. I understand that information provided herein is to the best of my knowledge accurate and that this information may be used to determine my eligibility for the applied housing repair/maintenance program.

If you have any questions about the collection and use of personal information, contact the Housing Administrator at (807) 623-9543.

Personal information contained in this form or in attachments is collected by the Fort William First Nation pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (R.S.O. 1990 c. F31) and is used to determine eligibility for the housing applied to, continuation of housing and may be used for the appropriate low income rental charge.