Portal Assistance

For membership portal assistance please contact Ann Marie Ogima (MembershipAnn@fwfn.com).

Economic Development

Tannis Kastern

Desiree Morriseau-Shields

Sheldon Bannon


Sherry Pelletier

Michele Solomon

Kyle MacLaurin

Health and Community Services

Jenny Charlie

Sherry Pelletier

Michele Solomon

Tannis Kastern

Bonnie Pelletier

Lands and Property Management

Tony Collins

Yvette Greenwald

Kyle MacLaurin

Desiree Morriseau-Shields

Bonnie Pelletier

Youth and Social Development – Culture and Recreation

Yvette Greenwald

Leo Bannon Jr.

Jenelle Charlie

Desiree Morriseau-Shields

Tannis Kastern