Portal Assistance

For membership portal assistance please contact Ann Marie Ogima (MembershipAnn@fwfn.com).

The Registry Administration Program is responsible for maintaining FWFN membership records and also acts as a liaison to the Indian Registrar of Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

As we look forward into the future, FWFN is looking at revising its membership code.  It is currently being worked on by the Governance Committee.

Certificate of Indian Status Card Information (Laminated Card)

If you are an adult (over 16 years old) and need a laminated status card (Certificate of Indian Status) you must bring with you 2 pieces of VALID ID.

  • For children under the age of 12 à 1 piece of ID is needed along with a piece of Parent/Guardian ID
  • For children aged 12 à 16 they can either have 2 pieces of valid ID or 1 of their own and 1 of the parent/guardian

Valid ID includes:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Health Card
  • Provincial Identification Card
  • Driver’s Licence
  • Employee I.D. with digitized photo
  • Student I.D with digitized photo
  • Firearms licence
  • Old (laminated) Status Card

Secure Certificate of Indian Status Information

Application Information

The SCIS can be applied for at ISC office located at 100 Anemki Place, Suite 101, Fort William First Nation. They are also accepting applications by mail. If you have any secure card questions you can call this local regional office at 807-623-3534.

 SCIS Application Information

Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) FAQ’s

Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act à Bill C-3

ISC has developed an improved service for Bill C-3 applicants, whereby eligible applicants can expect to receive registration as an Indian under the Indian Act AND an in-Canada Secure Certificate of Indian Status (status card) in one step. This has resulted in the development of a new registration form and a process whereby applications will only be accepted by mail.

Gender Equity Info 

Registration Process for Bill C-3 Applicants

Generally speaking, the key criteria to be newly entitled to registration are:

  • Did your grandmother lose her Indian status as a result of marrying a non-Indian?
  • Is one of your parents registered, or entitled to be registered, under sub-section 6(2) of the Indian Act?
  • Were you, or one of your siblings, born on or after September 4, 1951?

General enquires on Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act should be directed to:

ISC Public Enquiries Contact Centre
Email: InfoPubs@sac-isc.gc.ca
Phone: (toll-free) 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: (toll-free) 1-866-553-0554